Victor Williams

25 2 Tuberculosis treatment and abnormal blood glucose. terms by searching PubMed and Embase using keywords from the scoping review’s topic (e.g., tuberculosis treatment, TB treatment, abnormal glucose/hyperglycemia/glucose intolerance, diabetes). The second step was to search the databases for articles using all the identified text words and keywords. The PubMed search was done on 8 November 2021 and the search terms used include ("Tuberculosis"[MeSH Terms] OR "tuberculo*"[Title/ Abstract]) AND ("treat*"[Text Word] OR "therap*"[Text Word] OR "drug*"[Title/Abstract] OR "medication*"[Title/Abstract] OR "medicine"[Title/Abstract] OR "therapeutics"[MeSH Terms] OR "drug therapy"[MeSH Subheading]) AND ("hyperglyc*"[Title/Abstract] OR "glucose intoler*"[Title/Abstract] OR "high blood glucose*"[Title/Abstract] OR "glucose tolerance"[Title/Abstract] OR "glycaemic"[Title/Abstract] OR "glycemic"[Title/Abstract] OR "hyperglycemia"[MeSH Terms] OR "blood glucose"[MeSH Terms] OR "Glucose Tolerance Test"[MeSH Terms]). Additional search criteria for other databases are available in Supplementary file 1. The third step involved searching the reference list of the identified articles from the second step for additional articles for inclusion in the list of potential articles. Where there was a need, the authors of primary studies were contacted to obtain additional information regarding their study. A librarian from Utrecht University Library guided the search processes to ensure we used appropriate search terms and obtained relevant articles. Inclusion criteria Included articles were original studies (case-control studies, cross-sectional studies, cohort studies and clinical trials) with participants of all ages from any part of the world. The following additional inclusion criteria were applied: (a) studies that were published from 1 January 1980 to 30 June 2021, (b) articles in English, (c) studies that specifically indicated that blood glucose was done at baseline or before the start of TB treatment and non-diabetic patients were followed-up either during or after treatment or both, and (d) studies that had information on the country where the study was conducted or specifically stated the region covered. Exclusion criteria Excluded articles were those that were outside the study period, non-original studies (case reports, review papers, modelling studies, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, letters to the editor and opinion papers), studies for which the full texts were not accessible, studies with participants already known to be on treatment for DM, studies with no follow-up data and those with outcomes other than TB. Study selection for inclusion The study selection followed two steps. The first step was the title and abstract screening, and the second step was the full-text screening. All identified articles were compiled