Victor Williams

39 2 Tuberculosis treatment and abnormal blood glucose. First Author (Year/ Country) Aim Of The Study Study Design Sample Size Study Population Sex (% Males) Simple Analysis* Advanced Analysis** Diarra, B# (2019 / Mali) To determine the prevalence of DM in newly diagnosed TB patients Crosssectional and prospective cohort 201 TB patients 73 Yes Yes Krishnappa, D (2019 / India) To determine the presence of hyperglycaemia (DM & IGT) in TB patients and assess outcomes after successful treatment Prospective longitudinal study 582 TB patients 56 Yes No Habib, S.S (2020 / Pakistan) To investigate the outcome of bidirectional TB-DM screening in the private sector Cross-sectional 6312 All patients attending a private clinic 53 No Yes Kubjane, M (2020 / South Africa) To assess the association between hyperglycaemia and TB, at TB diagnosis, and after three months of TB treatment Prospective cohort 850 Patients with respiratory symptoms 53 Yes Yes # Patients without DM at baseline were followed-up at months two and five. *Chi-square, t-test, ANOVA, Fisher’s Exact, correlation, Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test **Linear/Logistic/Multilinear regressions/Cox regression