Victor Williams

69 3 Epidemiology and control of DM-TB Comorbidity 16. Indicate if the following are available or not available for TB patient screening at your OPD: a. Sphygmomanometer b. Weighing scale c. Glucometer d. Urinalysis test strips 17. Indicate Yes/No if the following medications are available for dispensing at your facility: e. Insulin f. Oral DM drugs g. Antihypertensive medication 18. Indicate Yes/No if there has been a stock-out of the following medications at your hospital in the last six months: a. Glucometer test strips b. Urinalysis test strips c. Insulin d. Oral DM medication e. Antihypertensive medication f. At least one 1st line TB medication 19. How many clinical staff (doctors and nurses) provide care for TB patients in your hospital? _______ Section C: Qualitative Interview Healthcare Providers Perspective 1. If your patient presents with symptoms of diabetes, what tests are available to help you and your team make a diagnosis?