Victor Williams

71 3 Epidemiology and control of DM-TB Comorbidity 6. What is your view of the current standard of care for TB patients? Prompt – do you think this can be improved? If yes, what can be done? 7. Do you feel you are well-trained and prepared to provide the required care for TB patients with DM? Prompt – if yes, what training have you received? How has it helped you? If no, what training do you specifically need? 8. Are there any challenges that hinder you from providing effective care to TB Patients in your hospital? 9. Are there any challenges that limit the provision of diabetes mellitus care to TB patients in your hospital? Prompt for 7 & 8: What would you suggest that can improve services delivery for TB patients in general and those with diabetes mellitus? 10. In the last 18 months, how has the COVID-19 Pandemic affected your ability to provide care to TB patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus? Prompt – is there anything that should have been done to improve care you provide? Which issue stands out for you that should be addressed? What best practice can you recommend to other facilities? Additional comments: