Victor Williams

72 Chapter 3 Supplementary file 3: Interview guideline This guideline provides an outline of the different questions the healthcare worker should be asked based on the different sections of the questionnaire. The researcher should adapt the questions and may not need to necessarily ask exactly the way it is written and should observe the healthcare worker for guiding cues during the interview. This interview aims to obtain the healthcare workers perspectives on services accessed by the TB patients, those who are also being treated for DM, and those who develop DM during treatment. The interview will also identify best practices instituted by the healthcare workers to improve services, challenges they encounter during services delivery and some recommendations on what they think can be done to address the challenges. Section A: Introduction The first part of the interview aims to develop a rapport with the participant you are interviewing. It is important to develop a non-judgemental tone throughout the interview and to convey that there are no right or wrong answers. Start by ensuring the participant is comfortable and at ease. Introduce yourself and confirm you have the right healthcare worker for an interview. Provide a recap about the study and give the healthcare worker a copy of the Study information sheet to review and the consent form to sign if they accept to participate in the study. Turn the digital recorder on. Example introduction – adapt as appropriate Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed for our study today. As I explained earlier, we are studying the different processes involved in the provision of services for TB patients and, those with DM or those who develop DM during treatment. We are interviewing you to better understand this process and some challenges you encounter. This will enable us to develop recommendations that can help improve services delivery in the future. We are interested in your opinion today; everything you say is very important to us. I will not talk much, but I want you to talk freely, and as much as you want. There are no “good” or “bad” answers.