Victor Williams

73 3 Epidemiology and control of DM-TB Comorbidity Section B: Survey to provide a background on the healthcare worker and services delivery This part of the interview aims to understand the background of the healthcare worker, processes adopted in the care of TB patients with TB, and availability of optimal work conditions which can enhance services provision. Open the structured questionnaire on the tablet and allow the healthcare worker to respond to the short survey questions. Provide clarity for any question that may not be clear. Section C: Healthcare providers perspectives on services delivery This part of the interview aims to understand how well equipped and confident health practitioners are in providing care for TB patients also receiving treatment for DM. This section will also elicit challenges encountered by health providers, innovative approaches adopted to solve problems and their recommendations for improving services delivery for TB patients and those also receiving treatment for DM. There will also be a further enquiry on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision of TB services and how this has impacted services delivery for TB patients with DM. Now, I would like to ask you some questions about your work, potential challenges, and some recommendations for improvement. Considering the number of TB Patients seen daily at your TB department, do you think your department has enough clinical staff to attend to them? Probes: What is your view of the current standard of care for TB patients? Probes: Any frustrations? What best practices have your unit adopted that has improved the care of TB patients receiving treatment for Diabetes Mellitus? Probes: Do you feel you have adequate training to care for TB patients with DM? Probes: Please elaborate on some areas you would like more training in. What would you suggest that can improve services delivery for TB patients with DM?