Victor Williams

80 Chapter 3 Potential benefits and risks There will be no direct benefit for you from taking part in the interview. However, the information you provide will help the researcher understand the best practices and challenges in the care of TB patients with diabetes and provide recommendations that will help improve services delivery for these patients. Participating in the interview carry’s a low risk for you as a participant if there is a breach of confidentiality but the researchers have been trained in research ethics to ensure your confidentiality. Comments you make will not be directly linked to your name in the final study report. Also, there is a possibility that the interview may evoke sad memories concerning your patients. Kindly let the interviewer know if you feel this way and would like to end the interview. Voluntary participation Your participation in this interview is voluntary. There are no right or wrong answers. You can at any time choose to withdraw from the study completely (including deletion of audio-recording and transcript of interview if you wish). You can decide not to take part or to stop taking part in this study at any time, without giving a reason, and without any impact on your work. We would like to record the interview, if you consent to this, solely for the study, to ensure we capture everything you say. Confidentiality The information you provide during the interview will be confidential and accessible only to the research team. The audio recording will only be heard by the research team. This will be transcribed onto paper and the original recording will be kept securely for the duration of the study. All written information collected (transcripts of interviews, notes, signed informed consent form) will be kept privately and anonymously (including password-protected storage) for about 10 years or as recommended by the Eswatini Health and Human Research Review Board (EHHRRB). The researchers will make every effort to ensure that the information you provide as part of this study remains confidential. When using quotes from an interview, the researcher will make sure that the identity of the cited person cannot be revealed. Any information you share during the interview will be confidential and your privacy will be maintained. Also, the research assistants and interviewers conducting this research have been made to sign a confidentiality agreement to further ensure your confidentiality and privacy. Contact for additional information If you have any questions regarding this study, please contact the study's Principal Investigator Dr Victor Williams at +268 7618 4334; or P.O Box 9482, Mbabane, H100, Eswatini.