Victor Williams

81 3 Epidemiology and control of DM-TB Comorbidity OR The Secretariat of Eswatini Health and Human Research Review Board (EHHRRB) on (00268) 2404 0865 / (00268) 24044905. Part 2: Patient Consent form Thank you for considering taking part in this study. The person organising the interview must explain the study to you before you agree to take part. If you have any questions, from the information sheet above or the explanation given to you, please ask the researcher before you decide to take part. You will be given a copy of the information sheet to keep if you wish. Informed consent • I have been informed by the undersigned person of the purpose of this study, and the possible benefits and risks of my participation. • Any questions, I had about my participation in this study have been answered to my satisfaction. I will receive a copy of the document I have signed if I wish. • I was given enough time to decide if I will participate in the study. • I am participating in this study voluntarily. I may withdraw at any time without giving a reason and my decision not to take part will not affect my access to health services. • I permit the researchers and the Ethics Committee to see my anonymised data, with the understanding that this data will remain confidential. I, _____________________________________________ consent voluntarily to being a participant of this study. I consent to this interview being recorded Yes No I consent to be contacted for a follow-up interview Yes No _______________________________ Signature of the study participant with Date (or thumbprint if cannot sign ) ______________________________________________ Name and Signature of researcher with Date