Victor Williams

85 3 Epidemiology and control of DM-TB Comorbidity Part 3: Statement by the researcher/person taking consent I have accurately read out the information sheet to the potential participant, and the best of my ability made sure that the participant understands that the following will be done: 1. The interview will be recorded in a tape recorder and later transcribed for use. 2. The information obtained from the interview will be used to provide recommendations for the improvement of health services delivery and care of TB patients. 3. All comments and responses by the participant will be confidential and when a reference is made to a statement, it will be anonymous. I confirm that the participant was allowed to ask questions about the study, and all the questions asked by the participant have been answered correctly and to the best of my ability. I confirm that the individual has not been coerced into giving consent, and the consent has been given freely and voluntarily. A copy of this ICF has been provided to the participant. Name of Researcher/person taking the consent ___________________________________ Signature of Researcher /person taking the consent__________________________ Date ___________________________ Day/month/year