Thom Bongaerts

102 Chapter 4 Figure 1. The Integrated Model for Behavioural Change (I-Change Model). The arrows represent the influence between the different factors (referred to as ‘elements’ in the manuscript) Data collection Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic we were not able to perform a face-to-face Q-study, as was the initial plan, and therefore we switched to an online data collection approach. We made use of an external research agency (Flycatcher Internet Research) to recruit respondents.37 The online data collection was effectuated by making use of the Q Method Software tool.38 Inhabitants of the city of The Hague, the third largest city of the Netherlands, who were invited for participating in one of the CSPs at least one time, were the target population of this study. The research agency purposively sampled people based on zip-code, sex, and age. In total of 112 Inhabitants of the city of The Hague were invited to participate in this study. We focused on the city of The Hague since we were interested in the perspectives of potential cancer screening respondents living in a highly urbanized region, where uptake rates are generally low. Latest attendance rates (2019) of The Hague were 52%, 64%, 57% for the CSPs at cervical, breast and colorectal cancer, respectively.39 With respect to the demographic characteristics The Hague is comparable to other large cities in the Netherlands, as for example Amsterdam and Rotterdam.40-42