Thom Bongaerts

103 Perspectives on cancer screening participation The invitation to potential respondents included some background information about the study and a link to the online software tool. After following the link, respondents reached a website with detailed instructions and information on the study and data use, including regulations regarding anonymity. By clicking on an ‘agree and start’ button, respondents confirmed to have read and understood the information provided and to take part in the study. Respondents were able to stop participation at any time. In this case, their data was not saved and hence, not included in the study. As it was not possible for respondents to ask for explanation on the ranking process, we provide respondents with extensive clarification materials, both in writing and video before ranking the opinion statements. During the data collection process, respondents were informed about the study purpose, namely: “We are interested in what you find important when deciding whether or not to participate in a cancer screening programme”. Then, they were presented with the set of opinion statements on participating in the CSPs in random order. First, they were asked to read all the statements and to divide them into three piles (i.e., ‘agree’, ‘neutral’ and ‘disagree’) according to the instruction: “To what extent do you agree with the following statements?”. Next, they were asked to read them again and place them on a forced-choice sorting grid ranging from ‘disagree most’ to ‘agree most’ (see Figure 2), starting with the statements in the ‘agree’ pile, followed by those in the ‘disagree’ pile and, finally, those in the ‘neutral’ pile. Finally, respondents were asked to review the full ranking of the statements and make any last changes, if desired. Then, they were asked about their demographic details (see Table 1). Finally, respondents were asked to explain their ranking of the statements; in particular, they were asked to explain why they placed the specific statements on both end sides of the ranking grid (i.e., columns -4, -3 and +3, +4). After the analysis and initial interpretation of the results, the first author contacted the respondents with the highest factor loadings (i.e., correlation between the ranking of statements by the respondent and the factors) for each factor, to verify the initial interpretation of the factor they were associated with, and to obtain additional qualitative material for finalizing the interpretation and description of the factors. The aim was to interview at least two respondents per factor, so six in total. Respondents then had to leave their contact details in the post-ranking questions. The interviews were audio-recorded after the respondents gave their consent. No data directly leading toward the individual respondent was stored in the audio-file. The interviewed respondents received a €20 gift card for their time investment. 4