Thom Bongaerts

104 Chapter 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 Mostly disagree Mostly agree Figure 2. Q-sort grid (9-colum forced choice ranking grid) Analysis The data was analysed using KADE version 1.2.0 for MacOS. We excluded respondents of whom the rankings and post-ranking survey answers were in retrospect inconsistent or unclear. This also appeared to be the respondents who completed the ranking exercise very fast, all with a completion time ≤8 minutes (n=6). Furthermore, several responses were excluded based on the answers provided in the post-ranking questions, for example, respondents who indicated that they struggled with the software and had not been able to rank the statements according to instructions. The included respondents completed the raking process with an average time of 25 minutes, with a maximum of 110 minutes. In the analysis, first, a correlation matrix of all pairwise correlations between the rankings of the statements by respondents was computed, which was then subjected to by-person factor analysis to identify groups of respondents with mutually high correlations (using centroid factor extraction, followed by varimax rotation). The resulting factors were interpreted and described as perspectives on cancer screening participation. For each factor, a weighted average ranking of the statements was computed (i.e., the factor array), based on the rankings of the statements by the respondents associated with the factor and their factor loadings. In addition, consensus statements (i.e., those whose rankings did not differ significantly between any pair of factors) and distinguishing statements for each factor (i.e., those whose rankings in one factor differed significantly from those in all other factors) were identified. Where consensus statements are suitable for addressing the amount of agreement of the perspectives, the distinguishing statements are useful for highlighting the differences between the different perspectives. Next, an initial interpretation and description of each perspective was based on the factor arrays and the distinguishing and the consensus statements, supplemented with the qualitative data from respondents whose rankings were associated with that perspective (p<.05).