Thom Bongaerts

107 Perspectives on cancer screening participation Table 1. Characteristics of respondents (n=39) Characteristics n % Age 30-39 10 25.6 40-49 3 7.7 50-59 13 33.3 60-69 6 15.4 ≥70 4 10.3 Unknown 3 7.7 Sex Female 28 71.8 Male 8 20.5 Unknown 3 7.7 Household Alone 9 23.1 Together (partner/children/roommates) 26 66.7 Unknown 4 10.3 Children Yes 25 64.1 No 9 23.1 Unknown 5 12.8 Education (highest) Secondary school 5 12.8 Secondary vocational education 7 17.9 University of applied sciences 11 28.2 University 13 33.4 Unknown 3 7.7 Religion No 24 61.5 Christian 10 25.6 Other religion 1 2.6 Rather not tell 1 2.6 Unknown 3 7.7 CSP participation Yes 31 79.5 No 5 12.8 Unknown 3 7.7 CSP= Cancer Screening Programme 4