Thom Bongaerts

108 Chapter 4 Table 2. Factor arrays; rank scores per statement for each factor I-Change elements Statements Perspective I II III Information 1. The invitation for the CSPs is clear to me +2* +1 +2 2. I understand the information in the flyer © +1 0 +1 3. The flyer helps me deciding on participating in the CSPs +1* +2* 0** 4. The flyer contains information about the advantages AND disadvantages of the CSPs © +1 +1 0 5. I have sufficient information about the CSPs to make a choice about attendance +1 +3** +1 6. Whenever I have questions about the CSPs I consult my GP 0 +3** 0 7. I want my GP to invite me for participating in the CSPs 0 0 -1** 8. I want my GP to provide me with the outcomes of the screening tests 0** +2** 0** 9. I want to receive the screening outcome via post mail © 0 0 +1 10. I talk about the CSPs with my partner, children, family, and friends © +1 +1 0 11. I would attend an information meeting on the CSPs 0 -1 -2** Awareness 12. As long as a do not have any complaints, I do not want to know whether I have cancer -3 +1** -2 13. There are also disadvantages on participating in a CSP -1 +2** -1 14. I do believe to have a high risk on developing cancer © 0 0 0 15. By participating in a CSP I can lower my chance of dying as a consequence of cancer +1 0** +2 Motivation 16. I am afraid to develop cancer -1** -2** +3** 17. I think it is important to have a medical check-up now and then, even when I do not have any complaints +4** -1** +2** 18. I think it is positive that the CSPs are in place +2** +4 +4 19. The opinion of my partner, children, family, and friends on participating in a CSP is important to me +1** -1 -1 20. My faith influences my choice to participate in a CSP © -2 -3 -3 21. Participating in a CSP does NOT match with my faith © -3 -3 -4 22. Within my family we do not talk about cancer © -2 -1 -2 23. By participating in a CSP I am able to do something positive for my health +3 +1* +2