Thom Bongaerts

131 Cervical cancer screening among marginalized women Table 2: Calculations of the prevalence ratios Table 2a: Prevalence ratio 1. The study population (30-60 years of age) compared to women screened by the Dutch CSP Prevalence HR-HPV+ & abnormal smear (A) Number of women (B) Expected cases (AxB) Observed cases (C) Prevalence ratio ((C/B)/A) Total women (age 30-60, n=54) 0.034 54 1.84 8 4.4 (95% CI 1.9-8.6) Age category 30-35 0.076 11 0.84 3 35-40 0.045 10 0.45 0 40-45 0.032 9 0.29 1 45-50 0.029 7 0.20 1 50-55 0.022 13 0.29 0 55-60 0.014 4 0.06 3 CSP = Cancer Screening Programme, HR-HPV+ = High Risk Human Papillomavirus positive Table 2b: Prevalence ratio 2. The study population (20-60 years of age) compared to women screened by the Dutch CSP Prevalence HR-HPV+ & abnormal smear (A) Number of women (B) Expected cases (AxB) Observed cases (C) Prevalence ratio ((C/B)/A) Total women (age 20-60, n=74) 0.034 74 2.52 12 4.8 (95% CI 2.5-8.3) Age category 20-30 0.076* 20 1.52 4 30-35 0.076 11 0.84 3 35-40 0.045 10 0.45 0 40-45 0.032 9 0.29 1 45-50 0.029 7 0.20 1 50-55 0.022 13 0.29 0 55-60 0.014 4 0.06 3 CSP = Cancer Screening Programme, HR-HPV+ = High Risk Human Papillomavirus positive *Women in this age cohort are not screened by the Dutch CSP. Therefore the prevalence rate for age cohors 20-30 was equated to the screenpositive prevalence rate from age cohort 30-35 years of age. 5