Thom Bongaerts

136 Chapter 5 Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank all partners who welcomed the medical team with trust and expertise on how to engage the study population. Many acknowledgements to Annelies van Vliet-Klerk from the Erasmus Medical Center for coordinating the liquid-based cytology sampling, and to all members of the cytology team for analyzing the cervical samples. Appreciation for Stichting Bevolkingsonderzoek Zuid-West for covering a part of the costs and by supporting this research. Gratitude to the Netherlands Streetdoctors Group for solving the financial puzzle, regarding the cytology sampling. Disclosure The authors report no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. The authors received non-financial support from the Netherlands Streetdoctors Group, non-financial support from Erasmus Medical Center, and non-financial support from Stichting Bevolkingsonderzoek Zuid-West.