Thom Bongaerts

145 Perceptions and beliefs of GPs on the CSPs Methods Study design, recruitment of respondents and interviewees, and ethical considerations We conducted a mixed-methods sequential explanatory study using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews to gain in-depth insight into the perspectives of GPs regarding their role in the Dutch cancer screening programmes (CSPs). This explanatory study is part of an overarching study in which we are trying to identify opportunities to optimize attendance rates for the CSPs.20 First, a survey was developed and distributed among GPs by using our Extramural LUMC Academic Network (ELAN). This is a network of GPs in the Leiden – The Hague area of the Netherlands, that aims to improve GP care in the region, including by supporting scientific research.21 Over 100 GPs are closely linked to ELAN. These GPs were approached via a monthly newsletter between September and December 2021 (for a total of three times) and asked to fill out an online questionnaire. The invitation included background information about the study and a link to the online questionnaire. Second, for the succeeding interviews we again invited GPs via ELAN, but also activated other networks for recruiting GPs. For the interviewed GPs it was not necessary to have completed the previous questionnaire. We initially intended to purposefully select a diverse sample of interviewees within the ELAN GP-network – considering characteristics such as: sex, experience as GP, and neighbourhood (based on reported patient population characteristics) the GP was working in – however, due to time constraints and low response rates we changed to a convenience sample. The interviews were conducted partly face-to-face and partly online (i.e., video calls), based on the GP’s preference, between October and December 2022. The interviews were conducted, audio recorded and transcribed by TB, and checked by FB, VN and MC reading the transcripts. Questionnaire We developed a questionnaire containing 55 questions in total, on five different topics: (I) the CSPs in the GP-practice in general, (II-IV) the CSPs at cervical, breast and CRC specifically, and (V) three open-ended questions on the (future) role of the GP within the CSPs. Questions were on how often GPs encountered the CSPs in daily practice and on their thoughts concerning the CSPs. Most questions could be answered on a five-point rating scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. To test the comprehensiveness and clarity of the questionnaire, we piloted the questions among three potential study respondents upfront. Based on their feedback, we altered a few questions with minor language adjustments. The original questionnaire was in Dutch (translated version in the Supplementary File). Aggregated outcomes of the 6