Thom Bongaerts

148 Chapter 6 the GPs agreed that educating patients on the CSPs is part of their job. Most of the GPs (58% agreed, 16% neutral, 26% disagreed) thought that the final decision to participate in a CSP is an individual choice, and thus should primarily be left with the individual. Although GPs suggested several options to improve the current CSPs, they generally did not feel that the programmes are currently poorly arranged (Q49, Q55 Notably, during all the interviews, the current workload of GPs was repeatedly labelled as high (Q28, Q37, Q45). Table 2. Quantitative outcomes questionnaire per CSP CC-SP BC-SP CRC-SP Questions during last year 89% (n=45) 70% (n=46) 85% (n=46) GP familiar with Objectives 76% (n=45) 71% (n=45) 72% (n=46) Practice manual 54% (n=46) 53% (n=45) 54% (n=46) Role 80% (n=46) 80% (n=45) 69% (n=45) Sufficient knowledge GP 93% (n=46) 80% (n=44) 82% (n=45) Accurate practice policy 95% (n=42) N/A N/A In favour of inviting via GP practice 22% (n=41) 17% (n=41) 17% (n=42) Wanting to know who was invited 54% (n=41) 39% (n=41) 49% (n=43) Wanting to know who has a positive test 73% (n=40) 83% (n=40) 43% (n=37) Willingness to inform patients after a positive test 75% (n=40) 78% (n=40) 61% (n=48) (C)SP= (Cancer) Screening Programme, CC= Cervical Cancer, BC= Breast Cancer, CRC= Colorectal Cancer, GP= General Practitioner, N/A= not applicable Topic I: Current role and responsibilities of GPs When discussing their role, the interviewees expressed satisfaction and found it to be fitting. The programmes are seen as important, and for the GPs it makes sense that they are involved, at least for a part (Q14-16). As one interviewee mentioned (Q1): “As GPs we have to be involved in the screening programmes. The contacts resulting from engagement are eminently suiting GPs. The programmes concern cancer, which always scares patients. This is thus an opportunity for us, where we can make a difference. Patients appreciate it when we are involved when we guide them along the way”. More than once, the CSPs were described as part of ‘indicated prevention’, and thus as a task for the GP (Q4, Q6). Regarding their wish to stay involved in the CSPs, GPs indicated that they like to stay involved, and in doing so they appreciate the close relationship they have with certain patients (Q2, Q7, Q9, Q10, Q12). When addressing the topic of responsibilities,