Thom Bongaerts

160 Chapter 6 Supplementary Table 1. Quotes resulting from the interviews (n=5) (continued) Topic Number GP Quote Q21 III Strange, you would expect that we as GPs have insight in all positive outcomes. In any case, I would like to know this. Then I am also able to monitor patients and maybe discuss the outcome when that specific patient comes by. Q22 III I would not necessarily want to know who did not participate. Because if I know this, then I probably have to do something with this information. Q23 IV I think we would like to have insight in all screening outcomes. Thus from all who participated. This would help us during consultation and in our relation with our patients. Q24 IV I would be interested to know who did not participate, but actually I have never really thought about it before. I do think it will cost a lot of energy, if we then also have to do something with this information. So if, for example, we are expected/supposed to approach all the non-attenders. The time is just not there. If there is someone who can take over, then it might be interesting. Q25 V I would like to know who did and did not participate. Now I have no clue, and therefore cannot act on it. If I knew, then I would be much better able to proactively engage with people concerning the CSPs. Q26 V I want there to be a pop-up in my electronic patient management system. This year patient X will be invited for this CSP. Then I will able to check if they have participated and if not, I can discuss it with them. At present, I do not think it will be too much of an added workload. I would like to give it a try. Q27 V I would like to see that on all surveys, patients can very clearly tick a box to share their attendance information with their GP. Or perhaps even better, vice versa. That such consent is basically regulated, unless... Topic III Q28 I GPs are not waiting for more work, that is for sure. You would have to be well into the numbers to determine whether the invitation should be running via GPs (again). However, if the effect that the GPs can achieve is significant, that in, let say certain practices it saves half in terms of attendance, then, at least you should consider it. It should be a possibility if it is not running adequately in other ways. Q29 I As a practice, we could start inviting potential participants ourselves (again). But then, at first it would require an estimate of how much effort this would be. You could also setup some extra assistance, which then also should be paid for. Q30 I As an example: Everyone is invited by default, but on top, GPs are given a list of high-risk screening-eligible people whom you want to include in particular. You could be more creative than either just the entire invitation via the screening organisation, or via GPs.