Thom Bongaerts

162 Chapter 6 Supplementary Table 1. Quotes resulting from the interviews (n=5) (continued) Topic Number GP Quote Q39 II Information in other languages is essential; but, I think it already exists. This should be included with the invitation(s). Q40 II You could choose to go more into the neighbourhoods, to talk with people, and to activate peers more. Only of course, if low attendance is really perceived as a problem. Q41 III There is not just a silver bullet, you will have to aim for different things. It often starts with proper education. In addition, there are probably also many other barriers that need to be addressed. Q42 III In our neighbourhood, there is a curious paradox. On the one hand we see people who are very carcinophobic and hypochondriac, yet on the other hand, they seldomly participate in the CSPs. As GPs, we could respond to that quite well, if we were better engaged. Better screening uptake is in all our interests. Q43 IV I do not believe anything has to change with respect to the invitation letter or procedure. I cannot remember a patient consulting me on these matters. Q44 V In this neighbourhood, there is a distrust of everything which has to do with the government. People here also think: “government you have nothing to do with my ‘intimate’ health”. Those people then do not participate. I could really act on this as a GP. For many people here in the neighbourhood, the GP is still quite important. It matters what the doctor says. There are also people who do not participate because they do not like the tests, or because they are afraid they will not perform them in the right manner. I could really respond to this kind of barriers/believes. Topic V Q45 I It would show political decisiveness to ensure that you can get by as a GP with a practice of, let say, 1.200 patients. Then, you will have time to do a lot of things and then these kinds of preventive tasks can be added much more easily. But then the budget for primary care will really have to increase substantially. We do not need to earn more as GPs, but actions within the system could then be funded much more easily. Q46 I Within the practice, you could also appoint an assistant to specifically deal with the CSPs. This person could then answer questions about the CPS, perform Pap-smears, etc. Instruction videos in different languages would help too. However, the option to come to the practice, and to speak to someone should always remain possible. Q47 I The GP is an easily accessible healthcare professional for a lot of people, and that is nice too. As a GP, you should also be able to continue like this, you should have time do provide these contacts. If there is a bit of extra funding for counselling potential participants, that would be really nice and would fit within current primary care.