Thom Bongaerts

163 Perceptions and beliefs of GPs on the CSPs Supplementary Table 1. Quotes resulting from the interviews (n=5) (continued) Topic Number GP Quote Q48 I These days, I believe more and more in the possibilities of technology. Everyone has a smartphone. Everyone can watch films on it. This opens endless possibilities. More thought should be given to this. Q49 II Actually, I do not think it is badly arranged now. Also the amount of GP involvement seems appropriate. What is however remarkable is the differences between the three CSPs. Why cannot just the screening organisation always make the referral, for example. Why do we as GPs still have to sit in between? Q50 II I think language is often way too difficult. Language in itself can be a big problem. Written language is for many people difficult. There is a reason why ‘’ already has lots of videos. Besides, you should really use pictograms; and QR-codes for quick access to videos. Q51 II Influencers on social media really make a differences these days, why not involve them? Q52 II I think there are a lot of people who would like to talk with a healthcare professional about participating in the CSPs. GP practices would be a good place for that. It is often not just about facts and figures, but very often about trust. That is precisely where the GP (practices) can facilitate. Q53 III Where you could do this in the GP’s waiting room, by making use of the waiting room screen. That is an excellent place for education. Short, powerful, clear, straightforward, that works. We have had waiting room videos for years and really noticed that people learn something via this screen. People do need knowledge, but you have to really tailor it. The waiting room is pre-eminently a place where people can absorb medical information. Q54 III Regarding the CRC-SP. I wonder if it is sufficiently clear to patients that this is not a test directly for cancer, but much more for its precursors. I would like people to be less shocked by the outcome. Nowadays, people are instantly worried they have cancer. Q55 IV For now, most things are just fine. So then we should not want to change much. I am satisfied with how things are arranged. Q56 V What I miss is cooperation. Everyone is always talking about this word. Also for the screening on cancer, it would help if healthcare providers and organizations cooperate. GPs, community centres, municipal health services, everyone is doing something, but not as a whole. We are working alongside each other. They/we are all little islands. Everyone is “helping”, but who is really doing something? Where does the patient really benefit from in the end? In addition, we as GPs are really not valued properly by the current politics/government. We could really help, but are ignored. People will participate if we as GPs ask them to. In the process, this also undermines the credibility of the entire healthcare system. 6