Thom Bongaerts

165 Perceptions and beliefs of GPs on the CSPs Supplementary Table 2. Characteristics of the questionnaire respondents (n=46) n % Age (years) Mean: 51 (min-max: 36-68) 46 Contractual hours Mean: 37 (min-max: 20-60) 45 Sex Female 33 72 Male 13 28 Experience as GP (years) 0-2 1 2 3-5 2 4 6-10 4 9 10-19 20 44 ≥20 19 41 Location of practice (city/village) The Hague 12 26 Noordwijk/Leidschendam 10 22 Alphen aan de Rijn 7 15 Leiden 6 13 Delft 5 11 Zoetermeer 4 9 Hoofddorp 2 4 Patient population (description) Age-range Old (≥65 years) overrepresented 9 20 Average distribution (all ages) 31 69 Young (≤35 years old) overrepresented 5 11 Education Higher education (university of applied sciences) overrepresented 8 18 Average distribution 28 62 Lower education (≤secondary vocational education) overrepresented 9 20 Cultural background* Predominantly Dutch 32 74 Predominantly from Western 4 9 Predominantly from non-Western 7 16 GP= General Practitioner *for definition see the survey attached as supplementary file (page 12) 6