Thom Bongaerts

167 Perceptions and beliefs of GPs on the CSPs Supplementary File (Questionnaire) The general practitioner and the population-based cancer screening programmes On experiences, wishes & ideas Dear general practitioner, dear colleague, The Health Campus The Hague is investigating how the current population-based cancer screening programs (CSPs) can be optimized. This because it appears that fewer and fewer people are participating in the CSPs.1-3 For information on the overarching study, see the website: Screening the CITY As a general practitioner you currently have varying tasks regarding the CSPs aiming at cervical, breast and colorectal cancer. We would like to ask you some questions about these different tasks. In addition, we would like to know whether you feel that certain aspects should be changed when it comes to your role as a GP regarding the CSPs. We developed a short questionnaire and would like you to fill it out. Within 10-15 minutes you are able to share your experiences, wishes & ideas with us. Naturally, the information will be treated with confidentially and processed anonymously. Afterwards, we will publish the results on our website and use them for a scientific manuscript. We hope you are willing to fill out the questionnaire. As you will understand, the more completed questionnaires, the better the results will reflect on the collective thinking. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Thom Bongaerts GP trainee, PhD candidate Health Campus The Hague Also on behalf of the other members of the research team: Mattijs Numans, Onno Guicherit, Frederike Büchner, Vera Nierkens & Matty Crone 1. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu. Landelijke Evaluatie & Monitoring Bevolkingsonderzoeken. 2. Bevolkingsonderzoek Zuid-West. Jaarverslag 2019. media/1442/jaarverslag-2019_def.pdf 3. B evolkingsonderzoek Midden-West. Jaarverslag 2019. https://www.bevolkingsonderzoeknederland. nl/media/1404/126-200005-jaarverslag-2019-def_hr.pdf 6