Thom Bongaerts

169 Perceptions and beliefs of GPs on the CSPs Below are a number of statements and questions. Please choose the answer most applicable to your situation in each case. We would like you to complete all statements and questions. Comments and remarks can be made on the last page. I. The CSPs in the general practice Following are a number of statements and questions about to which extent you deal with the cancer screening programmes (CSPs) on a daily basis. In each case, please choose the answer that best suits your situation. 1. Patients come to the GP-practice (to me as GP and/or to the practice assistants) with questions about the CSPs. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree 2. The questions I get about the CSPs are (multiple answers possible): ⃝ mostly on the CSP aimed at cervical cancer (CC) ⃝ mostly on the CSP aimed at breast cancer (BC) ⃝ mostly on the CSP aimed at colorectal cancer (CRC) ⃝ not applicable; I don’t get any questions about the CSPs 3. In the past year, have you encouraged patients to participate in the CSPs? ⃝ yes ⃝ no 4. In the past year, have you advised patients against participating in the CSPs? ⃝ yes ⃝ no 5. Do you ever bring up the CSPs without a patient explicitly asking about these programmes? ⃝ yes ⃝ no Following are a number of statements on the several tasks you have as a GP. Please choose the answer that best suits you. 1. I think providing information about the CSPs is part of my job as GP. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree 6