Thom Bongaerts

170 Chapter 6 2. I think I should encourage participation in the CSPs. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree 3. I feel that I should leave the choice to participate in the CSPs mainly with the patient. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree 4. I feel I should only discuss the CSPs when the patient has specific questions regarding the screening programmes. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree II. Specific questions about the CSP aiming at cervical cancer Following questions concern your role and that of the practice assistant(s), regarding the CSP aiming at cervical cancer (CC-SP). In each case, please choose the answer that best suits you. 1. In the past year, have you (or any of your practice assistants) had any questions about the CSP aiming at CC? ⃝ yes ⃝ no; you can proceed to question 3 2. What were the questions about (multiple answers possible): ⃝ the invitation ⃝ participation in the CSP ⃝ the risk of developing cervical cancer ⃝ the outcome of the (screening) test ⃝ the self-test ⃝ follow-up examinations ⃝ participation at the follow-up examinations Following statements are about your experiences with the CSP aiming at cervical cancer (CC-SP). Please choose the answer that best suits you.