Thom Bongaerts

172 Chapter 6 8. Were women in your practice actively invited to participate in the CC-SP in the past? ⃝ yes ⃝ no; you can proceed to question 10 ⃝ unknown to me; you can proceed to question 10 9. Since women are no longer invited via GP practices, I noticed that fewer women are participating in the CC-SP. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree 10. I (again) would like to have the possibility to invite women for the CC-SP. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree 11. I want to know which of ‘my’ patients were invited for the CC-SP. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree For the CC-SP, the possibility of using the hrHPV (high-risk human papillomavirus) self-test exists since 2017. As a result, it is no longer necessary for women to have a smear test taken at the GP practice, but women can independently test for hrHPV. The GP does not receive the outcomes of a self-test .This is in the context of privacy legislation. If hrHPV is found with the self-test, a woman is advised to have a smear taken at the GP practice. This smear is then cytologically assessed. 12. As a GP, I always want to know if a patient has taken a self-test as part of the CC-SP. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree