Thom Bongaerts

174 Chapter 6 4. I am aware of the NHG practice manuals on the BC-SP. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree 5. I know what my role is regarding the BC-SP. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree 6. I have sufficient knowledge to explain about the BC-SP. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree Following statements are about your vision of the future regarding the CSP aiming at breast cancer (BC-SP). Please choose the answer that best suits you. 7. I want to know which women from my practice, have been invited for the BC-SP. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree 8. I want to be able to invite women for the BC-SP. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree As GP, you will be involved in the BC-SP when follow-up examinations are needed as a result of the mammograms. As GP you need to refer the specific women to a hospital for further analysis. This may be because the X-rays are not conclusive, or if the X-rays show abnormalities.