Thom Bongaerts

177 Perceptions and beliefs of GPs on the CSPs 9. Were you aware of this change? ⃝ yes ⃝ no 10. As a GP, I always want to know whether a patient has submitted an FIT as part of the CRC-SP. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree 11. As a GP, I always want to know if a patient had a positive FIT. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree 11. When patients from my practice receive a positive screening outcome, I want to be able to inform them myself. ⃝ strongly disagree ⃝ disagree ⃝ neutral ⃝ agree ⃝ strongly agree The GP will always be informed about outcomes following the follow-up examination(s) Descriptive characteristics Finally, a few questions about you as a GP, and the place where you work. 1. What is your year of birth? 2. What is your gender? ⃝ male ⃝ female 3. What kind of professional appointment do you have? ⃝ practice owner ⃝ employed GP (at a permanent practice) ⃝ acting general practitioner 6