Thom Bongaerts

178 Chapter 6 4. What are the first 2 digits of the zip code where you work as a GP? (if you are an acting GP, please enter the postcode of the practice where you most often work) 5. How many years of work experience do you have as a GP? ⃝ 0-2 ⃝ 3-5 ⃝ 6-10 ⃝ 10-20 ⃝ 20+ 6. On average, how many hours per week do you work (contract hours)? 7. How would you describe your patient population with respect to age distribution? ⃝ elderly (≥65 years) overrepresented ⃝ average distribution ⃝ young people (≤35 years old) overrepresented 8. How would you describe your patient population with respect to level of education? ⃝ higher education (university of applied sciences) overrepresented ⃝ average distribution ⃝ lower education (≤Secondary vocational education) overrepresented 9. How would you describe your patient population with respect to cultural background? ⃝ predominantly from a Dutch background ⃝ predominantly from a Western-migration background. (Countries in Europe, North America, Oceania, Indonesia and Japan; excluding Turkey) ⃝ predominantly from non-Western migration backgrounds. (countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia (excluding Indonesia and Japan) or Turkey)