Thom Bongaerts

224 Appendix Bibliography and PhD coursework Scientific publications in this thesis Bongaerts THG, Büchner FL, Nierkens V, Crone MR, Guicherit OR, Numans ME. Perceptions and beliefs of general practitioners in the cancer screening programmes in The Netherlands: a mixed-methods study. BMC Primary Care, provisionally accepted. Bongaerts THG, Büchner FL, de Munck L, Elferink MAG, Guicherit OR, Numans ME. Cancer screening participation within a highly urbanized region in the Netherlands: comparing the breast and colorectal cancer screening programmes of The Hague. BMC Open, June 2023. Bongaerts THG, Büchner FL, Crone MR, van Exel J, Guicherit OR, Numans ME, Nierkens V. Perspectives on cancer screening participation in a highly urbanized region: a Q-methodology study in The Hague, the Netherlands. BMC Public Health, September 2022. Bongaerts THG, Ridder M, Vermeer-Mens JCJ, Pukkel JJ, Numans ME, Büchner FL. Cervical Cancer Screening Among Marginalized Women: A Cross-Sectional Intervention Study. International Journal of Women’s Health, May 2021. Bongaerts THG, Büchner FL, Middelkoop BJC, Guicherit OR, Numans ME. Waarom mensen niet deelnemen aan oncologische bevolkingsonderzoeken. Huisarts & Wetenschap, August 2020. Bongaerts THG, Büchner FL, Middelkoop BJC, Guicherit OR, Numans ME. Determinants of (non-)attendance at the Dutch cancer screening programmes: A systematic review. Journal of Medical Screening, October 2019. Other scientific publications Bongaerts, THG. Syndroom van Tietze (hfdst. 149). Kleine kwalen in de huisartspraktijk, December 2023. Bongaerts, THG. Huilbaby’s (hfdst. 15). Kleine kwalen bij kinderen, December 2021. Sjoerdsma MH, Bongaerts THG, van Lente L, Kamps AWA. Nurse-driven Clinical Pathway Based on an Innovative Asthma Score Reduces Admission Time for Children. Pediatric Quality and Safety, September 2020.