Thom Bongaerts

225 Bibliography and PhD coursework Bongaerts, THG. Opkomst oncologisch bevolkingsonderzoek kan beter. Huisarts & Wetenschap, August 2018. Wesseling W, Bongaerts THG, Hoogerbrugge A, Ridder M, Numans ME, Koot MH. Preventief onderzoek naar baarmoederhalskanker: Het perspectief van ongedocumenteerden vrouwen. Presentations at (inter)national conferences Perspectives on cancer screening participation in a highly urbanised region: a Q-methodology study in The Hague, the Netherlands. NAPCRG Annual Meeting 2023, San Francisco, United States of America (poster presentation) Perceptions and beliefs of general practitioners in the cancer screening programmes in The Netherlands: a mixed-methods study. Ca-PRI conference, 2023, Oxford, United Kingdom (oral presentation) Cancer screening participation within a highly urbanised region in the Netherlands: comparing the breast and colorectal cancer screening programmes of The Hague. Ca-PRI conference, 2023, Oxford, United Kingdom (oral presentation) Perspectives on cancer screening participation in a highly urbanised region: a Q-methodology study in The Hague, the Netherlands. Ca-PRI conference, 2023, Oxford, United Kingdom (poster presentation) Screening baarmoederhalskanker onder gemarginaliseerde vrouwen: Nog veel winst te behalen! LOVAH wetenschapsdag, 2022, Utrecht, the Netherlands (oral presentation) Nominated for the SBOH Academiseringsprijs 2022 (top 3, national) Opvattingen over deelname aan de oncologische bevolkingsonderzoeken: een online Q-studie. NHG-wetenschapsdag, 2022, The Hague, the Netherlands (oral presentation) Cervical cancer screening among marginalised women: Lessons learned from a pilot study in the Netherlands. Ca-PRI conference, 2020, Oxford, United Kingdom (oral presentation) (cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic) Optimalisatie van de bevolkingsonderzoeken in Den Haag: een Population Health Management benadering. NHG-wetenschapsdag, 2019, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (oral presentation) B