Thom Bongaerts

28 Chapter 2 Table 2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria Inclusion criteria 1a. Study outcome: the uptake/participation of national cancer screening programmes OR 1b. Determinant measurements: reasons for low- and non-attendance (health literacy, decision making, social or cultural differences and organisational factors) AND cancer screening programmes 2. Results are related to: cervical cancer and/or breast cancer and/or colorectal cancer 3. The authors are related to Dutch organisations (universities) or the article describes Dutch cancer screening programmes Exclusion criteria 1. Language other than English or Dutch 2. Non-original articles, e.g. dissertations, reviews, case reports, editorials, oral presentations, poster presentations, book chapters Quality assessment and data collection All included scientific studies were subjected to qualitative analyses. For the quantitative studies the Crowe Critical Appraisal Tool (CCAT) was used.18 For the qualitative studies we used the Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ), as developed by the Dutch Cochrane Centre.19 To analyse the determinants in a broad perspective, we used the Integrated Model for Behavioural Change (I-Change model, see Figure 1). The I-Change model Since screening attendance can be seen as health behaviour, determinants of this particular health behaviour can be studied by using health behaviour models. We used the Integrated Change model (I-Change model, Figure 1)20-22 to map all the identified determinants. We chose this model since it incorporates elements from several earlier and highly used and appreciated health behaviour theories such as the Health Belief Model, Protection Motivation Theory, Theory of Planned Behaviour, and Precaution Adoption Process Model.23-26 The I-Change model includes factors on predisposing, information, awareness, motivational, ability and barriers.