Thom Bongaerts

29 Determinants of (non)attendance at the Dutch CSPs Figure 1. The Integrated Model for Behavioural Change (I-Change Model). The arrows represent the influence between the different factors Results Study retrieval The initial search yielded a total of 2433 articles (Academic Search Premier 73, Cochrane Library 98, Embase 853, EMCare 185, PubMed 604, PsycINFO 23, Web of Science 597; see Figure 2 for the PRISMA flow chart). A total of 1201 articles were identified as duplicates and another 715 articles did not meet the inclusion criteria. Therefore, 517 studies remained after the first exclusion round. After the second round, 81 studies remained and were selected for full text review. In total 19 articles were included in the final selection, including 13 quantitative and 6 qualitative studies. The quality appraisal score of the 13 studies was average to high and ranged from 32 to 38 points (maximum 40), with a rounded average of 36 points. With respect to the qualitative studies, we scored a range from 5 to 6 (maximum 7) with a rounded average of 6 points. Since we did not assign extremely low-quality scores, we did not exclude any studies from further analysis based on the CCAT or the COREQ. Characteristics of the included studies are summarized in Supplementary Tables 1 and 2. Six reports were included as grey literature.6,7,11,12,13,27 The identified determinants of low or (non-)attendance are presented in Table 3. 2