Thom Bongaerts

34 Chapter 2 Table 3. Determinants of low-/non-attendance at a Dutch CSP, subdivided by the I-Change model Cervical CSP Breast CSP Colorectal CSP Predisposing factors Behavioural Residency: more urban X12 X13, 35 Marital status: Married/in a relationship X28 Several different sexual partners X31 Psychological Biological Age: younger age X7,31 X6,11 Sex: male NA NA X8, 24 Higher risk (ethnicity) X36-38 X33,34 Social & Cultural Country of birth: non-native Dutch/non-Western X12,28-31,36,37 X33 X32 SES: low(er) SES X28,30,31 36 X34, 35 Information factors Message X44 X45 Channel Lack of tailored strategies X29,40,41 X35,42 X32,43 Source Non-GP practice-based invitation X30,31,38,39 Awareness factors Knowledge Misconceptions, lack of knowledge e.g. screening harm X31,37 X42,46 Cues to action Low priority X29 X45,46 Risk Perception Perceived lesser risk of cancer X31,40,44 X42