Thom Bongaerts

55 Determinants of (non)attendance at the Dutch CSPs Breast cancer screening programme Reference Study design Number of participants (n) Participants, collection period, region Characteristics Outcomes I-Change model (Aarts, Voogd et al. 2011) Ref: 34 Retrospective observational cohort study 1,067,952 Women, age 50-75, from 1998 to 2006. Southern Netherlands Data combined with the Eindhoven Cancer Registry (ECR). As of 1998 women aged 70-75 were also invited within this screening programme. Before 1998 age boundaries were 50-70. Age SES Year of invitation Low-SES: 79% Medium-SES: 85% High-SES: 87% Women with low-SES had an unfavourable tumournode-metastasis. Despite the absence of financial barriers for participation, SES inequalities in attendance rates exist. Predisposing factors Barriers 2