Thom Bongaerts

60 Chapter 2 Cervical cancer screening programme Reference Study design Number of participants (n) Participants, collection period, region Characteristics Outcomes I-Change model (Bosgraaf, Ketelaars et al. 2014) Ref: 29 Questionnaire study 30,130 (nonresponders). Analysis of 9,484 with self-sampling device and 682 without. Women, age 30-60. Between October 2011 to December 2012. North Holland, Flevoland, Utrecht & Gelderland. Non-attendance: forgot to schedule an appointment. The main reason to use the self-sampling device: own time-setting. Convenience and self-control. 30.9% who did not use selfsampling device preferred after all to have a cervical smear taken instead. Organisational barriers are the main reason for non-attendance of regular cervical screening. Self-sampling might be a solution for nonattenders because of convenience and selfcontrol. Information factors Barriers (Knops-Dullens, de Vries et al. 2007) Ref: 44 A computerassisted telephone survey 165 100 attendees and 65 nonattendees. Random sample of 300 attendees and 600 nonattendees. Drawn from a total of 20,000 women. Women, age 30-60. Between January and July 2001. Limburg. Attendees perceived more positive social influence, more positive role models, talked more often with others and perceived a more positive norm. Non-attendees experienced more affective disadvantages, were more insecure and afraid of smear taking, experienced more feelings of shame and were more insecure and anxious about the result. In order to motivate Dutch women to participate in the screening programme they need to be convinced that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Information factors Awareness factors Barriers