Thom Bongaerts

Contents Chapter 1 General introduction 9 Chapter 2 Determinants of (non-)attendance at the Dutch cancer screening programmes: a systematic review Journal of Medical Screening, October 2019 23 Chapter 3 Attendance characteristics of the breast and colorectal cancer screening programmes in a highly urbanised region of the Netherlands: a retrospective observational study BMJ Open, June 2023 77 Chapter 4 Perspectives on cancer screening participation in a highly urbanized region: a Q-methodology study in The Hague, the Netherlands BMC Public Health, October 2022 97 Chapter 5 Cervical cancer screening among marginalized women: a crosssectional intervention study International Journal of Women’s Health, May 2021 123 Chapter 6 Perceptions and beliefs of general practitioners on their role in the cancer screening programmes in the Netherlands: a mixedmethods study Provisionally accepted, BMC Primary Care 141 Chapter 7 General discussion 181 Chapter 8 Summary 201 Appendix Nederlandse samenvatting Dankwoord Curriculum Vitae Bibliography and PhD coursework 210 218 223 224