Thom Bongaerts

86 Chapter 3 Table 2. Results univariate regression analyses on attendance, concerning invitees and breast cancer cases. (continued) OR (95% CI) p-value n SES 1 x CIS 0.71 (0.47-1.09) 0.12 155 SES 1 x Stage 1 0.78 (0.56-1.10) 0.15 411 SES 1 x Stage 2 0.38 (0.26-0.54) <.01* 329 SES 1 x Stage 3 0.18 (0.10-0.31) <.01* 91 SES 1 x Stage 4 0.09 (0.04-0.19) <.01* 63 SES= social economic status (SES 1: low; SES 4: high), BC= breast cancer, CIS= carcinoma in situ *Statistically significant associated with attendance at the cancer screening programmes Figure 1. Subdivision of the attendance groups at the breast cancer screening programme. Figure 2. Subdivision of the attendance groups at the colorectal cancer screening programme. Colorectal cancer screening programme Most invitees received one invitation (48.2%), with a maximum of three invitations (12.8%). Since all acquired data were from the implementation period of the SP, all invitees received their first invitation during the set time period. In total n=70,638 (95.9%) people participated at least once. Among the invitees, n=515 (0.7%) were diagnosed with CRC, regardless of whether this tumour was screen-detected. The number of male participants with CRC was 1.2 times higher, compared with female participants (55% (n=284) versus 45% (n=231)).