Thom Bongaerts

87 Attendance characteristics of the breast and colorectal CSPs The largest group of CRC-SP invitees always participated in the CSP after receiving an invitation (n=58,3793; 79.8%). Only a very small part of the invitees never participated (n=3,034; 4.1%). Among the ‘always-attenders’, 0.7% (n=396) of the participants were diagnosed with CRC, compared with 0.8% (n=93) and 0.9% (n=26) of the ‘sometimes’ and ‘never-attenders’, respectively (Figure 2). A total of 83% (n=61,132) of the invitees were identified as ‘attenders’, hence 17% (n=12,537) as ‘non-attenders’. In the attenders-group 46.5% of the people were male, compared with 47.4% in the non-attenders-group (Likelihood Ratio: p=.08). Median age of the non-attenders was found to be two years older (Mann-Whitney U: p<.01). Most CRCs were found in the attenders-group (79.2% versus 20.8%). Median age of the invitees in the non-attenders group with CRC was one year lower (Mann-Whitney U, p=.27), but they were diagnosed with CRC around the same median age (Mann-Whitney U, p=.67), compared to invitees with CRC in the attenders’ group (Table 3). Table 3. Characteristics invitees and colorectal cancer cases, concerning the colorectal cancer screening programme. Total invitees (n=73,669) Invitees with CRC (n=515) Attendance group* Attenders Non-attenders Attenders Non-attenders Proportion % (n) 83.0 (61,132) 17.0 (12,537) 79.2 (408) 20.8 (107) Sex % (n) M: 46.5 (28,450) F: 53.5 (32,681) M: 47.7 (5,974) F: 52.3 (6,563) M: 53.9 (220) F: 46.1 (188) M: 59.8 (64) F: 40.2 (43) Year of birth Median (25-75%) 1953 (1947-1958) 1951 (1947-1954) 1948 (1945-1953) 1949 (1946-1952) Age at diagnosis Median (25-75%) - - 67 (55-77) 67 (64-69) Neighbourhood SES-score n % n % n % n % 1 16,908 27.8 4,693 37.6 110 27.0 41 38.3 2 12,664 20.8 2,453 19.7 103 25.2 11 10.3 3 4,697 7.7 869 7.0 38 9.3 7 6.5 4 26,546 43.7 4,451 35.7 157 38.5 48 44.9 Unknown 317 71 0 0 CRC= colorectal cancer, M= male, F= female, SES= social economic status (SES 1: low; SES 4: high) *Attenders: people who participated in >50%, after being invited. Non-attenders: people who participated in ≤50%, after being invited. 3