José Manuel Horcas Nieto

13 1 General Introduction in the intestine of the animals60. Nothing has been published on the number and health of peroxisomes in the intestine of mice fed a low protein diet. Figure 1. The effects of low protein diets and low amino acid conditions in vivo. Low protein diets lead to a loss of peroxisomes and delayed loss of mitochondria in the liver. LPD leads to dysfunctional and less abundant mitochondria in the intestine. There is no information on the number of peroxisomes in the intestine of LPD rodents or children. Created with BioRender. com Interestingly, little is known about the actual mechanisms of peroxisomal loss in the liver of malnourished children and mice. Two main explanations have been suggested: a potential increase in autophagic degradation in order to maintain levels of precursors in the cell or a reduced biogenesis due to lack of amino acids56.