José Manuel Horcas Nieto

144 Chapter 5 In this case, the results for the FCC obtained were the same as those obtained with a high Vmax for catalase. Results are summarized in Supplementary File 2. In summary, it is likely that the catalytic capacity of catalase is so high that it does not exert any flux control under most conditions. Figure 2. Metabolic control analysis. (A) Flux control coefficients in the model in the presence of low (10 μM) and high (150 μM) C18-acylCoA. Enzymes are displayed in descending order based on their order in the pathway. (B) Changes in the FCC of both ACOX1 and ACAA1 when increasing the Vmax of ACOX1 by 5 and 10 times. The analysis was done at 150 μM C18-acylCoA Case Study: Amino acid restriction leads to a reduction in ACOX1 and Catalase activity Long periods of exposure to low amino-acid levels have been demonstrated to lead to a reduction in peroxisomal number both in vivo and in vitro studies64–66.