José Manuel Horcas Nieto

235 A Acknowledgements Dear Miriam, thank you very much for all the help during the past 4 years. Without you, I would not be where I am right now. You are such a diligent, dedicated and resourceful person. It was a pleasure working together and I am extremely thankful for all the support with the culturing and the endless western blots! Dear Alberto, thank you for being such an important figure during the PhD. Your support and help go a long way. It was a pleasure working with you and learning from you. I will miss both of you greatly. I would also like to thank everyone in the Pediatrics Department of the UMCG for all the scientific help, input and support during my PhD. Thank you for everyone in the molecular genetics team who helped me during my time in ERIBA. Alfredo, muchísimas gracias por todo. La ayuda, los buenos ratos, el apoyo y la compañía. Me ha encantado aprender contigo de autophagy y FACS y todo lo que sabes. Me llevo un amigo. Ankia, it was great having you on board. Although we never worked together, I feel like we had enough coffees (and gossip) to consider you a friend. I wish you all the best! Manolis, thank you for so much fun in the lab! It was a blast seeing you play Venetia! Dear Hans, thank you for the help with the autophagy paper and the nice discussions about PPAR. Niels, thank you so much for all the help and nice attitude in the lab! Nicolette and Marieke thank you for all the support and help in the lab for the past 4 years. Karin Wolters, thank you very much for all the help and guidance with the proteomics work. Maikee, thank you very much for your great scientific input during our group meetings. It was great learning from someone so passionate. Venetia, I will never forget the time we spent together in the lab. I was great having someone so open minded and fun around. I am extremely happy we became so close and I can now call you a friend. You are the prove that “negativity is basically laziness”. I can’t wait to have more trips like Berlin and share many more fun moments together. Also, I would like to take a moment to thank all the people and friends I made during my time at the UMCG and Groningen. Nadka, thank you so much for everything. Since day 1 you have proven to be such an amazing and wonderful person. Your attitude and enthusiasm are contagious and I couldn’t be happier about that. You are a truly kind human being and I am very thankful we met during our time in Groningen. It was so much fun doing so much together. I cannot wait to see what more adventures we have ahead of us!