Sebastiaan van der Storm

156 Chapter 7 Table 3: Compliance with the active ERAS elements Control group (n=68) APPtimize group (n=72) P - value Nutritional screening and assessment 89.7 (30.6) 91.7 (27.8) 0.690 Carbohydrate loading 54.4 (50.2) 50.0 (50.4) 0.601 Early mobilization 66.2 (47.7) 93.1 (25.6) <0.001 Early intake of solid food 45.6 (50.2) 87.5 (33.3) <0.001 Urinary catheter removed 64.7 (48.1) 63.9 (48.4) 0.920 GI stimulation (Laxatives) 77.9 (41.8) 72.2 (45.1) 0.435 Total score 66.4 (23.7) 76.4 (16.7) 0.003 Mean compliance of the group in percentage. Abbreviations: GI Gastro-intestinal Table 4: Multiple linear regression analysis compliance to ERAS protocol B SE B 95.0% CI P - value Constant 0.245 0.285 -0.318 – 0.808 0.391 ERAS App 0.095 0.041 0.030 - 0.161 0.005 Age, under 50 years* -0.018 0.043 -0.098 - 0.063 0.666 Benign diagnosis* -0.001 0.033 -0.086 - 0.085 0.989 Teaching hospital 0.163 0.038 0.088 - 0.238 <0.001 Karnofsky Performance scale at baseline 0.008 0.003 0.002 - 0.013 0.007 Physical QoL at baseline -0.003 0.001 -0.005 - 0.000 0.030 Disability at baseline -0.009 0.004 -0.016 - -0.002 0.013 * Stratification factor in randomization. Abbreviations: B Beta coefficient for compliance to ERAS protocol; SE Standard Error; CI Confidence Interval; QoL = quality of life