Sebastiaan van der Storm

75 3 Patient satisfaction with stoma care and their expectations on mobile apps for supportive care Table 2: Association of patient characteristics and overall satisfaction concerning stoma care B SE B 95% CI p-value Constant 94.41 .73 89.03 99.79 <0.001 Gender Male * Female - - 2.44 - 0.66 - -3.74 - -1.14 - <0.001 Age -0.14 0.03 -0.20 -0.08 <0.001 Education Low* Moderate High - -0.54 -1.75 - 0.92 0.69 - -2.37 -3.09 - 1.29 -0.41 - 0.559 0.011 Quality of life Bad Moderate Good* Very good Excellent -2.69 -2.23 - 2.45 4.49 2.39 0.90 - 0.77 1.21 -7.39 -4.07 - 0.96 2.13 2.01 -0.53 - 3.96 6.89 0.261 0.011 - 0.001 <0.001 Hospital type Regional hospital* University hospital - -1.87 - 0.81 - -3.47 - -0.26 - 0.024 Stoma Permanent * Temporary - -2.13 - 0.95 - -3.99 - -0.27 - 0.025 Aware of stoma No, acute situation Unexpected or unlikely Yes, elective surgery * -7.20 -2.33 - 1.01 0.91 - -9.22 -4.12 - -5.18 -0.53 - <0.001 0.011 - Frequency psychosocial problems # -0.50 0.05 -0.61 -0.40 <0.001 R2 0.161, Adjusted R2 0.155 F 27.4 Sig. ANOVA <0.001 * Reference category. # score is ranging 9-45. Abbreviations: B Beta coefficient for total SSCQ score; SE Standard Error; CI Confidence interval