Aylin Post

10 Chapter 1 Towards a more refined understanding The foundation of a more refined approach in TID rests upon a profound understanding of the pathway to swimming expertise, yet scientific knowledge in this matter is lacking. Many studies within competitive swimming have focused on isolated performance domains (such as biomechanics) and have been conducted cross-sectionally (capturing a singular moment in time), typically involving recreational or elite adults rather than talented youth swimmers (Costa et al., 2012; Morais et al., 2021). While such studies offer value for specific research inquiries, they fall short of providing insights into developmental trajectories linked to the elite level (Glazier, 2017). Longitudinal, multi-dimensional studies, on the other hand, are well-suited to detect developmental changes (Cobley & Till, 2017; Elferink-Gemser et al., 2018). Rather than relying on a single snapshot of performance, these studies track individuals over an extended period, evaluating multiple underlying performance characteristics in relation to their age and performance level. This approach empowers researchers to retrospectively analyze how swimmers who eventually reached the elite level progressed over time, as opposed to those who did not make it. Such examinations may uncover the defining factors and developmental patterns linked to senior success. These insights may provide science-based guidance to coaches and swimmers, and support informed decision-making processes in practice. Altogether, this may enhance the efficacy and efficiency of the TID system. Thesis objective and outline With the ambition to improve TID processes in swimming practice, this thesis aims to gain a deeper understanding of the pathway to swimming expertise. We specifically seek to make a meaningful contribution towards addressing the key characteristics and corresponding developmental patterns that set apart swimmers who succeed in their career from those who don’t, spanning various developmental stages. In this pursuit, our focus rests on studying swim performance (in terms of swim times) and underlying performance characteristics linked to the swimmer by using a longitudinal and multidimensional approach.. Within this exploration, swimming expertise will be defined in relation to the elite level, signifying a performance level that aligns with the fastest 50 swimmers worldwide. However, while this standard is suitable for identifying senior elite swimmers, it lacks effectiveness for junior swimmers as it overlooks the significant developmental differences between age groups. Yet, the ability to differentiate which juniors are on track to reach the elite level is essential in our endeavor to uncover the pathway to swimming expertise, a challenge intensified by the absence of general developmental patterns of elite swimmers throughout their careers.