Aylin Post

105 The importance of reflection and evaluation for progressing toward the elite level 5 Appendices Appendix A. Items for each self-regulated learning (SRL) subprocess. SRL subprocess Items Evaluation Each practice session I think back and evaluate whether I did the right things to become a better swimmer. After each practice session I think back at situations I’ve been through during practice and use this information to practice specific situations either alone or together with others. Each practice session I keep track of my performance during practice, so that I can see which swim skills I must improve (for example, technique, tactics). After each practice session I think back and evaluate whether I did the right things to reach my practice goal. After each practice session I think about what I did right and wrong during the session. After each practice session I think back at specific practice situations and what I did right and wrong. Planning I have a clear goal for each practice session. Before each practice session I plan which skills I want to work on during the session. Each practice session I use information from TV/internet/live swim matches to become a better swimmer. Before each practice session I plan my actions relative to the goal I want to attain during the practice session. Each practice session I use information from books, magazines, and interviews about elite swimmers to develop myself as a swimmer. Reflection Each practice session I think about both my strengths and weaknesses and of ways that I can improve them. During each practice session I check whether I make progress in my swimming skills. I know my strengths and weaknesses and at each practice session I plan how I can improve them. During each practice session I keep track of my swim performance relative to my practice goal (so that I know where I stand). Each practice session I try to identify my strengths and think about ways to improve these even more. Each practice session I work on my strengths and weaknesses because I believe in my potential as a swimmer. Each practice session I focus on my practice goal. During each practice session I check what I still have to do to reach my practice goal. Each practice session I try to identify my weaknesses and think about how to improve these.