Aylin Post

185 General discussion 8 Recommendations for practice In addition to advancing the scientific understanding of the pathway towards swimming expertise, this thesis introduces methods and insights that may serve as valuable tools in talent identification and development processes in swimming practice and other sports. Fundamental to every recommendation is the awareness that identifying and developing talented swimmers is inherently complex. This complexity arises from the highly individual, emergent, dynamic and multidimensional nature of athlete development, which is influenced by its environment (Baker et al., 2019; Henriksen & Stambulova, 2023; Till et al., 2020), a notion underscored by this thesis’ findings. The following recommendations are formulated to promote and maintain an approach that acknowledges the complexity of athlete development, fostering a much-needed individualized perspective. Move beyond season best times and unravel swim performance through consistent testing A profound understanding of the contributing factors underlying swim performance, i.e. the process leading up to the result, is crucial for coaches to accurately assess a swimmer's potential, identify specific areas for improvement, and consequently optimize talent identification and development processes. Regularly performing tests and measurements on underlying performance characteristics over time is a fundamental component in this effort. Of course, it is essential to integrate testing and measurements seamlessly into daily practice without unnecessarily consuming excessive time. Therefore, it is crucial to select relevant tests that offer meaningful insights. Considering the findings from this thesis, we propose to monitor all measured variables in this thesis and to evaluate them during talent identification and development processes. Moreover, while testing may primarily serve practical and short-term improvement purposes with regard to gaining more insight into swim performance, collaborating with higher education and universities, and participating in research projects is recommended. This collaborative approach not only facilitates data collection, but also allows for long-term insights at the group level, complementing the close monitoring of individual swimmers. This collaborative effort could create a mutually beneficial situation, optimizing both practice and scientific understanding. Understand the target and evaluate current abilities in relation to relevant reference values After gaining a comprehensive understanding of a swimmer’s current performance, the next step is to assess how their abilities align to swimming expertise. This requires coaches to comprehend the demands associated with performing at the highest level, extending beyond the mere awareness of swim times corresponding with international podium standards. Indeed, a clear idea about the general performance development of swimmers who have achieved, or are successfully on their way to get there, is needed. In addition to