Aylin Post

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 General introduction 7 Chapter 2 Multigenerational performance development of male and female top-elite swimmers: A global study of the 100 m freestyle event 17 Chapter 3 Interim Performance Progression (IPP) during consecutive season best performances of talented swimmers 37 Chapter 4 Pacing behavior development in adolescent swimmers: A largescale longitudinal data analysis 59 Chapter 5 The importance of reflection and evaluation processes in daily training sessions for progression toward elite level swimming performance 83 Chapter 6 Tracking performance and its underlying characteristics in talented swimmers: A longitudinal study during the junior-to-senior transition 109 Chapter 7 Growing up and reaching for the top: A longitudinal study on swim performance and its underlying characteristics in talented swimmers 143 Chapter 8 General discussion 175 Appendices Summary 194 Nederlandse samenvatting 198 Dankwoord 202 About the author 208 List of publications 210