Aylin Post

89 The importance of reflection and evaluation for progressing toward the elite level 5 Swimmers were included in the present study if they (1) were 12 years or older, (2) had completed the questionnaire in December 2018, and, if (3) information on swim performances for the 2018/2019 swim season was available. Figure 1. Schematic timeline of the data collection procedure. Note. The vertical arrow indicates the moment of cross-sectional data collection on training-centered SRL. The horizontal arrow indicates the time period in which longitudinal data collection of long course swim performances took place. Survey measures The online questionnaire comprised three sections: general items, sport-specific items and SRL-related items. General items In the first section of the questionnaire, swimmers provided their personal details (e.g., date of birth and sex). Sport-specific items In the second section, swimmers responded to sport-specific items on their training sessions (e.g., the number of weekly training sessions, the number of hours of weekly swimming training, and their sport history). SRL-related items In the third section, six SRL subprocesses were assessed using various existing questionnaires (Toering et al., 2012b, 2013). We included items on processes of evaluation (6 items), planning (5 items), reflection (9 items) and speaking up – which can be considered as a SRL strategy (6 items), to measure the meta-cognitive aspect of SRL. Our instrument for measuring meta-cognitive SRL was based on the football-specific SRL questionnaire developed by Toering et al (2013). Respondents rated items using a 5-point Likert scale (1 = never, 2 = seldom, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = always). Examples of items were as follows. Evaluation: “After each practice session, I think back and evaluate whether I did the right