Sara Russo

130 Chapter 4 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL Supplementary Figure 1: Data normalization. Log2 distributions of the proteins for each sample before and after preprocessing. Uncoated (C), fibrous collagen type I (F) and globular collagen type I (G). Supplementary Figure 2: Oxygen consumption rate of alveolar macrophages cultured in collagen-coated or uncoated wells. After 72 hours, oxygen consumption rate (OCR) was measured during glycolysis stress test using an XFe96 extracellular flux analyzer and rates were normalized to protein concentrations. Macrophages were treated sequentially with glucose, oligomycin (ATP synthase inhibitor), and 2-DG (2-deoxyglucose). a. Kinetic OCR response of macrophages seeded in wells that were either coated with fibrous or globular collagen (data combined) or left uncoated (control). Each data point represents mean ± SD of 6 different experiments. Each single experiment had 6 technical replicates that were averaged. b. Kinetic OCR response of macrophages seeded in wells that were either coated with fibrous or globular collagen. Each data point represents mean ± SD of 6 different experiments. Each single experiment had 6 technical replicates that were averaged. Data represented as a box and whiskers plot, where the box and whiskers extend from the 10th to 90th percentile.